CPD Training

Our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) covers a wide spectrum of areas relating to mental health and wellbeing in schools. These thorough and highly evaluated courses are available at no extra cost to MAST subscribers. 

If you're interested in attending any of the events listed, please get in touch to book a place by calling 07458 305006.

ECTs - Understanding & Managing Behaviour
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This course will provide ECTs with the knowledge and skills to understand and manage behaviour at a classroom level whilst making links to whole school systemic effective practice

AET: Making Sense of Autism
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The making sense of autism training will give you a better understanding and awareness of autism and the way it affects pupils in school.

Precision Teaching Level 1
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A two-part training course to understand the theory and practice of Precision Teaching (PT) as a formative assessment strategy to enhance basic skills.

Grieving in Puddles 1
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A workshop to raise awareness of the impact of loss, and related trauma on children and families.

Connection before Correction
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Staff will be able to have a better understanding, knowledge and skills in the use of relational approaches (such as PACE/Emotion Coaching), whilst feeling confident in responding appropriately and immediately to incidents where children display ‘big’ emotions and behaviours.

Leading and Supporting Speech, Language and Communication Skills
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An Exclusive CPD Event Leading and Supporting Speech, Language and Communication skills in schools: addressing the challenges presented by early language delay.

AET Leadership
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This training is designed for staff who have a leadership role that includes responsibility for developing provision for pupils on the autism spectrum within a school setting.

Precision Teaching Level 1
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A two-part training course to understand the theory and practice of Precision Teaching (PT) as a formative assessment strategy to enhance basic skills.

Introduction to Emotional Logic
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This introduction will teach staff some of the basic principles of Emotional Logic and how, with further training, they can apply this method in an educational setting.

Write Dance
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Write Dance supports children to progress from early sensory mark making to the formation of letters and letter strings, to using fully cursive handwriting. Its creative approach is a fantastic way to break down the barriers to writing.