Supporting schools with implementing interventions

Supporting schools with implementing interventions

Will Roberts
by Will Roberts
Published on Mar 05, 2024
0 min read

How MAST delivers ongoing training and fidelity-support in Precision Teaching interventions


As part of our extensive training programme for schools we have delivered introductory and advanced courses in Precision Teaching (PT) for many years. In addition to initial training, and the impetus that provides, ongoing support in implementation is important. To do this we offer regular ‘Question and Answer’ sessions, where a mixture of schools congregate to explore new practice, successes and solve problems as a collaborative group facilitated by an Educational Psychologist.

Our most recent session included a number of school staff across MATs and focused on the following key themes.

The Role of School Staff in PT Implementation:

School staff play a central role in the successful implementation of PT interventions. From classroom teachers to teaching assistants, each member contributes to the design, execution, and monitoring of PT programs tailored to individual student needs. However, without adequate support and resources, the effectiveness of these interventions may be compromised.

Access to Resources:

School staff need access to PT resources such as ‘scheduled time’, physical spaces, instructional materials, assessment tools, and software platforms for data tracking and analysis. Ongoing access to professional literature, research articles, and online forums for continuous learning and support.

Supervision and Mentoring:

The availability of sessions such as these and regular contact with each school’s assigned EP was viewed as critical. Moreover, in-school models where more experienced PT practitioners can mentor and supervise school staff during the initial phases of PT implementation was also noted as very helpful.

Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation:

PT is seen as reflective of a wider school culture that promoted of continuous improvement by regularly evaluating the effectiveness of interventions and making data-informed adjustments as needed. The ongoing need to monitor student progress, assess intervention fidelity, and solicit feedback from school staff to refine practices over time is a key aspect for all schools to reflect upon.


Supporting school staff in delivering Precision Teaching interventions is essential for optimising student learning outcomes and promoting educational excellence. By investing in professional development, fostering collaborative learning communities, providing access to resources, offering supervision and mentoring, and promoting continuous evaluation and adaptation. With consideration to ongoing implementation support, schools can empower their staff to effectively implement PT interventions and unlock the full potential of every pupil.