Learning Mentor for Looked After Children

Learning Mentor for Looked After Children

Rachael Cameron
by Rachael Cameron
Published on Mar 11, 2024
0 min read

Tools for providing Learning Mentoring for Looked After Children

My aim is to empower looked after children which involves creating opportunities for them to express their thoughts and preferences. Actively listening to their concerns and involving them in decision making processes regarding their care and education. I work hard to ensure their opinions are valued and listened to this helps build a trusting work relationship. Trauma informed practice for looked after children involves understanding the impact of past traumas on their well-being. It emphasizes creating a supportive, empathic environment to help them heal and thrive.

Promoting stability for looked after children involves promoting consistent routines, clear expectations and nurturing relationships. It involves providing a safe and supportive environment, maintaining open communication and collaborating with professionals who can contribute to their sense of security and well-being.

Support for looked after children is ideally bespoke and varied to address their unique needs. This may include emotional support through counselling, academic assistance tailored to their learning style, and involvement in extracurricular activities to foster a sense of belonging and personal growth. Regular communication with social workers, foster parents and school is crucial for the development of comprehensive and adaptable support systems to be put in place and maintained.

I support young people with many barriers to learning, I have noticed emotionally based school refusal has grown in the last year. Non-school attendance among looked after children can be influenced by various factors such as disruptions in their lives, emotional challenges, or educational difficulties. When looked after children refuse to go to school, it is essential to explore and address the underlying issues. Identifying the root cause and providing targeted support (in collaboration with school staff, caregivers and mental health professionals) to establish the cause of their reluctance is the first step in removing any barriers to improved attendance. I tailor support plans to address any emotional, social, or academic challenges they may be facing. Establishing trust, providing a supportive environment, and involving the child or young person in any decision making is an integral part of my work.